How To Make A Line Follower Car?
How To make An Arduino Line Follower Robo Car?
Hello, with this Project you can make your own Arduino Line
Follower Robo Car. This Project need mediacore Arduino knowledge. The line
followercar requirements as below:
Follower Robo Car. This Project need mediacore Arduino knowledge. The line
followercar requirements as below:
1x Arduino Uno (
1xL298N Motor Driver (
2×100 RPM Dc Motor with Wheels (
2x Reflection Sensor ( )
1x idler Wheel
1x 7,4 Li-po Battery
1xtiny breadboard
1xCar chassis
Hot Glue
Soldering Iron
Jumper Cables
And some time.
First print 3D Car Chassis. Hot glue DC motors and plug whells to 3D printed chassis below.
Solder DC motor anot and catot with jumper cables. Connect them on the tiny breadboard.
Connect li-po battery to L298N motor driver +12V and GND port. Plug a jumper
cable to +5v and GND to L298N and connect them Arduino Uno’s (5V to Vin and GND
to GND) pins. Hot glue idler whell to chassis. Hot Glue motor driver, Arduino
and lipo on the chassis. Upload this code to Arduino. And its ready to go. You
can put a switch between lipo and motor driver. Not you can test this Arduino
Line Following Robo Car with a parkour. Make your own line parkour with some tape.
Solder DC motor anot and catot with jumper cables. Connect them on the tiny breadboard.
Connect li-po battery to L298N motor driver +12V and GND port. Plug a jumper
cable to +5v and GND to L298N and connect them Arduino Uno’s (5V to Vin and GND
to GND) pins. Hot glue idler whell to chassis. Hot Glue motor driver, Arduino
and lipo on the chassis. Upload this code to Arduino. And its ready to go. You
can put a switch between lipo and motor driver. Not you can test this Arduino
Line Following Robo Car with a parkour. Make your own line parkour with some tape.
Arduino Code: